The project has been financed under the Programme „Conservation and Revitalisation of Cultural and Natural Heritage“ of the EEA Financial Mechanism
Liubavas Manor participate in the International travel campaign and invite travelers to visit the museum on Saturdays and Sundays
Get rest listening to the sounds of Liubavas manor waters to calm the mind
Discover! Explore! Experience!

Liubavas Manor Museum is a part of newly created tourism route

Liubavas Manor Museum is a part of newly created tourism route


Medininkai Castle - Nemėžis Tatar Community - Neris Regional Park - Liubavas Manor and the Mill - Vilnius Area Ethnography Museum in Nemenčinė

Vilnius District is a destination that can take visitors to the heart of tradition, history as well as give a unique experience in exploring intangible culture heritage. The traditions and religions of various nations have intertwined in this district since ancient times. It expresses the customs of the Polish, Lithuanian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Tartar and Jewish communities, and hosts a great number of interesting traditions: traditional oral, musical culture and folk-art masterpieces. This tourism route provides an excellent chance to explore the intangible culture, many traditions deeply attached to pagan customs and get to know the specificity of Vilnius District during the workshops, presentations and demonstrations of the technologies used in the past.

This tourism route offers the opportunity to visit and get acquainted with unique tourist attractions and their guardians, who preserve, cherish and carry-on significant Latvian, Lithuanian and Belarusian intangible cultural heritage values, helping  to increase both knowledge and a deeper understanding of their roots. Explore the intangible cultural heritage values that, as an inexhaustible source of identity, can be passed on to future generations!

More information about the project and other tourism routes:


Discover! Explore! Experience!

Вильнюсский район - это место, увлекающее в водоворот традиций и истории. Здесь можно получить уникальный опыт изучения нематериального культурного наследия. Так сложилось, что в этом регионе на протяжении разных эпох переплетались традиции и религии польского, литовского, белорусского, украинского, татарского, русского и еврейского народов. В условиях взаимного влияния этих культур сформировались и самобытный фольклор, и устное народное творчество, и народные ремесла. Маршрут открывает удивительную возможность познать нематериальную сторону культуры, обряды, уходящие к временам язычества. Участие в обучающих занятиях поможет постичь глубокий смысл ритуалов и обычаев ушедших веков

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